Blog Update!

9:31 AM

I have been working hard the past week or so to make a few changes to the appearance of the blog so, as you might be able to see. I only get about an hour or so during the day (actually during my lunch break) to write, edit photos, and post new blogs, and I have been spending this time making some cosmetic changes and looking up how to edit the html of the blog. As a result there has been little time to write and post new material, but I do have some great things lined up to write about, including some reviews, tutorials, and more!


In particular, you can see that I made a new header for the blog, although I'm not quite certain I am 100% satisfied with it. I am not that great of a designer when it comes to headers. I think the only one I have ever been happy with is my ETSY shop banner to be honest with you! Considering I have absolutely NO background whatsoever in graphic design, I'm pleased with the things I can do and make in general. Also, I finally added a profile pic and edited my ABOUT section, both along the sidebar as well as the actual ABOUT page.


You'll also notice that along with the other changes to the sidebar I have added a nice, clean category section where I have placed all of my blogs into a few, easily accessible categories. Right below that I have created photo links to some of my favorite blog from the past and present! Every section has a lovely new grey header to match the colors of the blog layout and I have made a few extra so that I can expand my categories and sections as the blog grows.

If there is anything you'd like to see featured, feel free to send me a message through the page with your suggestions and ideas!


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