Happy Birthday Eamon!
8:59 AM
I took the day off from writing yesterday to celebrate Little E's Fourth Birthday. It's hard to believe that four years ago I was laying in a hospital bed nursing our beautiful little boy for the first time. I never once though in my wildest dreams I would ever have a baby let alone be a mom to the amazing little boy he has become.
The day before Christmas eve we came home with the greatest little gift we could have ever asked for. Despite being on bed rest the last three months or so of my pregnancy, I made sure the house was all decorated, the tree was up and lit, and the nursery (which we never actually used) was ready, decorated, and full of presents fit for a wee one, even though he technically wasn't supposed to be here until January. We even made sure to fit a few of our family Christmas traditions in before heading for the hospital a few weeks early.
We have had a lot of fun times over these past four years, growing together and seeing and doing new things. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Even during the stressful times, his smile, laugh, and genuine compassion always make us smile.
We usually have a HUGE Christmas and Birthday part by this time, but this year the date got a little pushed forward. Nonetheless, we always have a little homemade cake with candles on E's birthday, so, technically, he gets to celebrate twice AND have Christmas...twice. What a lucky little boy.
Eamon enjoyed a slice of birthday cake (and lots of playful moments) the eve before with one of his best friends...
...and, the morning after he got to open up some little presents from Mommy & Daddy AND take a little trip to our local Walmart to get a pack of his favorite Thomas Minis. The rest of the day was spent playing with a friend and eating pizza while Mommy baked a million Christmas cookies!
Happy Birthday,again, to my little boy...my little angel and love of my life! I can't wait to see what this year brings!